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Jessica and I are going to be firm friends , I can tell , she is my Yoga instructor on this Apple Fitness App , Im continuing my research for my new book out next year about childhood trauma . She might not know it but she saw me through a difficult period , namely my first ever 10 minutes of yoga.

I have discovered something already , well a few things really , firstly Yoga exists in another dimension , that dimension has a thing called yoga- time where time goes really, really slowly. The second thing I discovered is that my downward facing dog , is according to my ever encouraging wife , a downward facing… Duck . Lastly sitting cross legged can be surprisingly difficult to do as is walking after you manage it.

The people who know more than me , and let’s face it there is a lot of them , say yoga is good for releasing trauma . There are also a lot of people on the internet who pretend to know a lot more than me or you and use words that you have never heard before but sound like a word you do know with a “ing” or a ” Nic” at the end of it . They usually want you to sign up to some course or another and that is never cheap.

Before I started this yoga discovery process ,( I am an experienced practitioner now after my 10 minutes with Jessica ) I thought of going for a yoga retreat here in the UK where I live, just to get started …you know . I was really impressed with the pictures of their perfect locations , usually with pictures of an instructor. Something like … waves crashing on the sands behind them standing on their heads or other impossible positions or on the edge of a cliff or in a garden looking like Eden. Then came the program , a gong bath , whatever that is, but I’m sure not getting naked. two sessions of yoga and a nourishing meal made by ourselves as a group followed by a meditation , I could go for that ….

Then lastly we get to the prices page , I really needed to meditate after that , did they know I just wanted to stay for two nights ? not buy the place , who can afford those things , who are these people ? They can’t all be Jeff Bezos , Mark Zuckerberg or a member of the Walton family ( Walmart), even they might balk at the prices of those retreats !

So Im booking another 10 minute session with my new friend Jesica Skye for tomorrow , well I don’t even need to book , I open the app and there she is , ready for me , smiling and asking me to set an intention . I have set an intention already , its yoga at home for me , I don’t know what a gong bath is and I prefer to shower anyway.

Have a great day , see you next time

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