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Childhood trauma can have long-lasting negative effects on a person’s mental and physical health. This website attempts to provide support and information for those who have suffered or know someone who has suffered childhood abuse or maltreatment . Having suffered from physical and emotional abuse as a child I approach this subject from the point of view as a victim not a therapist or medical expert . I will try to learn with you, share my research and then put all that information in my book to be published in 2024 called Trauma Shadow.

Im not a Doctor, Im not a Therapist, Im also not a Manchester United Supporter, its just me , I am looking for answers , feel free to join me me , send me your knowledge , experiences and stories for me to copy onto the blog .There are no prizes for spotting spelling mistakes or grammar , Im no more important than you ,in a real way were all in this boat together and this website is my bucket to chuck overboard a bit of the water getting in.

Please don’t try and replace proper medical advice with this website, we are all individuals and what works for one might not work for someone else . Also I am as clueless as you .This is my record of looking for answers and then recording them, its eye opening , but remember just because someone has a particular outcome from Trauma , it doesn’t mean that you will . At the end of this website will be links to people who have made it their profession to help.

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